It Is Your Choice…..

It is our choice and ours alone to decide who we spend the rest of our lives with. No one forced us to marry or commit to the person we chose.  If yours is anything like mine, there are days I could strangle my partner, days I would be relieved if they were out of my life and days I feel broken beyond repair from hurt. Oh, I’ve not been guiltless in these matters and I’m not perfect, but I do love with all of my being and show consistent behavior that proves it. Unless there is abuse, adultery or sustained addiction usually the problem has a solution. As much as I hate to face it, compromise has to be made for solutions to be obtained.


Habitual Line Crossers


It is not always easy but profoundly important to set boundaries with the habitual, line crossers in your life. It can be a family member, friend or coworker that disrespects, hurts or offends you in some manner (often) Just when you forgive and forget they will once again repeat their negative behavior, which will remind you about every other time they did the same thing. It is essential to face the person head on and discuss your feelings about their ill behavior. If you choose not to, you must then carry their heavy load of negativity around with you instead of freeing yourself from it. Express yourself in a caring, patient way. If they aren’t receptive to hearing you out, then the habitual, line crossers must be emotionally and sometimes physically distanced from your life for a while.  This will give you a chance to sincerely evaluate how you want to view and handle the relationship going forward. Perhaps you suspect that the person will never care enough to stop injecting discord into your life. In this case they can be deemed as toxic and the boundaries may have to be made permanent for your own well being. Happiness resides in lives that maintain a positive and balanced environment.

