Chomp, Grunt, Smack, Gulp!!!!

Am I the only one who finds other’s “eating noises” super annoying? If possible I will move a seat down or excuse myself to the restroom just so I can take a break if I’m out to dinner.
Smacking, grunting, utensils scraping front teeth are the worst. Oh yes, I can’t forget the edge of glass slurping as a person drinks or repetitive scraping of a dish to retrieve every little morsel. I’ve encountered a lot of this lately. Is it just me? If I ever ingest food or drink in any of these distracting manners dear god pass me a note on a napkin or something! Give me a gift card for an etiquette class for Christmas! Save those I dine with. Please respond openly.

Habitual Line Crossers


It is not always easy but profoundly important to set boundaries with the habitual, line crossers in your life. It can be a family member, friend or coworker that disrespects, hurts or offends you in some manner (often) Just when you forgive and forget they will once again repeat their negative behavior, which will remind you about every other time they did the same thing. It is essential to face the person head on and discuss your feelings about their ill behavior. If you choose not to, you must then carry their heavy load of negativity around with you instead of freeing yourself from it. Express yourself in a caring, patient way. If they aren’t receptive to hearing you out, then the habitual, line crossers must be emotionally and sometimes physically distanced from your life for a while.  This will give you a chance to sincerely evaluate how you want to view and handle the relationship going forward. Perhaps you suspect that the person will never care enough to stop injecting discord into your life. In this case they can be deemed as toxic and the boundaries may have to be made permanent for your own well being. Happiness resides in lives that maintain a positive and balanced environment.



Your Ears Are For Hearing

Actively listening to a person without interrupting, allowing our mind to wander or interjecting is sometimes a difficult thing to do. When we choose to sincerely focus on the words people are saying, it is a “gift” of our time, energy and attention. See them, hear them, take their words in. When people have been heard they feel comforted and cared for.


Man Made Highway, Personal Detour

Each and every one of us is on our own spiritual journey…no path being exactly the same. Do not feel guilty or pressured because your journey doesn’t follow a ” man made ” religious road map. We all experience God in unique ways…nature, meditation, church, life experiences. It’s very important to listen to your heart and make spiritual choices that are positive and healthy. If you find yourself in a religion or spiritual group that is more judgmental than compassionate, you may want to take a personal detour along the “man-made” highway.

You Can Have A Beautiful Life Either Way

Lots of people I know have asked me the question, “should I have children?” They wonder if the world is too harsh and screwed up to purposely bring an innocent life to live in it. Some struggle with fertility issues, some with family pressures. My suggestion to them is to completely take the emotion out of the scenario. Strictly look at the facts. Ask yourself what kind of life, schedule, freedoms, responsibilities, activities and financial structure do you want to have? Simply put, it is a lifestyle choice. I have friends who chose not have children which opened their life up to so many special experiences. I have friends who chose to have children and that choice fulfilled their purpose in many other ways. Please understand that life is full of great opportunities and purpose with or without children. You can have a beautiful life either way.

beautiful  couple holding hands

She Was Proud Of Her Feet…..

“Everything has its beauty, but not everyone sees it”  ~ Confucius ~

This is one of my favorite quotes of all time. This philosophy is at the core of my feelings about all people, including you as you read this. I enjoy meeting new people from every walk of life, finding out what makes them tick…breaking through their sometimes tough exterior and giving them a reason to smile and think positive. I am fascinated by the majority of human beings. I probably meet 50 new people per week through my job, from all over the world. I’ve learned that people usually expect the worst, so when given the pleasant surprise of kindness and positivity, it visibly reduces their tension level.  It’s nice to be the catalyst for others to realize there is a lot of “good” left in this big, crazy world. I wonder if anyone else out there can find something beautiful in each and every person their lives touch????

I once met a large lady whose face was not attractive, wart on her nose, messy matted hair, dirty clothes and acne. I challenged myself and asked, “can I find something beautiful about her in the next 2 minutes?” I could not…………………until I got to her feet. Yes, her feet! Most feet look weird and gross when you get a close look. Her feet looked like the feet in a Dr. Scholl’s or an OPI nail polish ad. Very straight, perfectly shaped toes…silky, callous free skin. Freshly pedicured, shiny, polished toenails. Her feet were beautiful as far as feet go.  I actually have a toe as long as my pinky finger that looks just like E.T.  No, I wasn’t down on the floor examining her peds like a podiatrist. I was sitting across from her and she had her feet on a chair. I thought to myself, “I bet she is really proud of her feet.” I knew my assumption was right when I saw the toe ring with a diamond on it, and her feet were propped up where they were in plain view. Beauty lies on the inside and the outside of each and every one of us. It doesn’t matter where you’re from or what issues you have. Our superficial, “quick to judge” society  creates low self-esteem in so many ways. Most of us know people have beauty on the inside, but the next time you see a person you don’t think is especially attractive on the outside, find the one thing that is beautiful about them and give them a genuine compliment. If you look in the mirror and don’t like what you see, give yourself the once over and find what you do like and be proud of it. You are important, you are beautiful!

toe ring